Friday, March 03, 2006


I am a normal guy with a normal job but I have one passion in life... Burritos. Is there a better food then the Burrito? A meal wrapped in a edible wrapper filled with the greatest of ingredients, meat, cheese, veggies, beans, rice. What other food boasts such a perfect combination of ingredients in a take anywhere pouch.

I would say my life's work is the Burrito. I guess I would say I am somewhat of an expert when it comes to these lovely packages of food sent directly from the gods. To really understand the Burrito you first need to start from the beginning.

Many people believe that the Burrito started in Mexico, that is not the truth. Actually the Burrito started off the coast of Italy in Malta in the early 1400's. A young sailor named San Giovese Burritalia figured out an ingenious way to package his lunch so it would fit on his small fishing vessel. He pounded normal corn meal into a flat "tortialalia" and added different ingredients with starches and veggies. Soon all the fishermen in the fleet were inquiring about Sangioveses wonderful creation and he began selling them on the docks. It was there a young Christopher Columbus became enchanted by this bewitching food and eventually became the Godfather of the Burrito.

Many think that Columbus was looking for riches when he set off to prove his theory of the world. In reality he had come across some wonderful curries from the indies and used them to make a curried shrimp Burrito (Columbus actually coined the term Burrito after an argument over profit sharing with Sangiovese.) The taste and experience has been documented as one of the gratest moments of his life (well that and the finding of America, well BurrtoLand was what he originally called his new found land, but he later realized that was just plain silly.)

So in conclusion America (BurritoLand) owes its beginning to the Burrito. Columbus would never have gone on his journey if it weren't fueled by the Burrito Desire. This was the most significant moment in Burrito history, second only to the creation of this Blog...


Mr Teriyaki said...

While this sounds correct in some degrees, it's a common fact that Eric the Red from Norway discovered the Burrito some 500 years earlier. He called it a Juryatoee however and it was named after an enemy he vanquished and subsequently chopped up and rolled into his royal carpet for delivery to the village he conquered. Columbus was a well know plagiarizer and has taken credit for several other things such as founding America and introducing syphillis to Native Americans.

Marc Jacobs said...

Remember when we had burritos at Fiesta Del Mar in Moutain View? Those were good times... and good burritos!

Anonymous said...

Who ever this guy is, he is a very strange and weird guy....

rendz1er said...

this is possibly the best blog i've ever seen haha